Dyslexia and Related Disorders: Information for Parents

Characteristics of Dyslexia and Related Disorders:
What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a brain-based learning disability that makes learning to read, write, or spell difficult.
Primary characteristics include difficulties with:
◆ Learning the sounds letters make
◆ Reading words in isolation or reading unknown words
◆ Reading smoothly with enough speed and accuracy to comprehend
◆ Spelling
What is Dysgraphia?
Dysgraphia is a related disorder of dyslexia and is a written language disability that involves both motor and language skills such as the finding, retrieving, and producing of letters.
Primary characteristics include difficulties with:
◆ Forming letters correctly
◆ Excessive erasures and cross-outs
◆ Poor spacing between letters and words
◆ Letter and number reversals beyond grade 2
◆ Awkward, inconsistent pencil grip
◆ Heavy pressure and hand fatigue
◆ Copy words correctly
◆ Completing writing assignments