All Pre-K and Kinder students must be registered in advance to ride the bus.
- Once Transportation receives the registration, the school and the parents will receive a bus assignment from the Transportation Department in 1 to 2 days. The driver will be notified of the student riding.
- Pre-K and kinder students must meet the same transportation eligibility requirements as all other regular education students. pre-k and kinder students will be picked up and dropped off at the same stops as other eligible student riders. pre-k and kinder students that live within the 1-mile walk zone will not be eligible for transportation.
- Regular Education, including pre-k and kinder, transportation is based on the address in Skyward. Students are picked up and dropped off at the stops designated for that address. Regular Education transportation does not drop off at daycares, babysitters, or other afterschool programs.
- Pre-K and kinder students are required to have a picture ID with the bus stop. The ID should be attached to the students’ backpacks or on a lanyard around their necks.
- All pre-k and kinder students must be met at the bus stop by a parent or guardian listed on the registration, or must have an older sibling that rides with them in grades 2 through 4. Students not met at the bus stop will be returned to the school for parent pick-up.
- Pre-K and kinder students must be able to independently ride the bus to and from school. They must be able to recognize their bus stop and be able to walk to and from their home and the bus stop. Bus drivers do not have access to a student’s address from the bus. To prevent other students from being delayed, any student that does not know their stop, or if parents of pre-k and kinder students are not at the stop to receive the student, they will be taken back to their school and the parent will have the responsibility of picking the student up.
- Pre-K and kinder students are required to meet all other transportation rules, guidelines, procedures, and policies for transportation.